Estrategias para age of empires 2 the conquerors
Estrategias para age of empires 2 the conquerors

  • Blind Random Map – Multiplayer only.
  • Black Forest is no longer an option if you select Random Map or Land Random.
  • Open ground is always green on the mini map, even on snow or sand terrain.
  • Fish traps now provide food at a faster rate.
  • Capped Ram & Battering Ram upgrades no longer cost gold.
  • Heated Shot now increases tower attack and Castle attack vs.
  • Parthian Shot increases Cavalry Archer and Mangudai attack vs.
  • Shipwright now also decreases ship build time.
  • Now these technologies only cost food & wood.
  • Treadmill Crane, Masonry, Architecture, Hoardings, Fortified Wall, Guard Tower, and Keep have had their stone cost replaced with wood or food.
  • Palisade walls get +3 additional Pierce armor.
  • Loom provides +1 additional Pierce armor.
  • Bombard Towers now do piercing damage instead of normal damage (the major effect is vs.
  • Korean War Wagon cost increased to 120 wood 60 gold.
  • Fireships & Fast Fireships have additional armor vs.
  • Galleys now take 60 seconds to produce (War Galleys & Galleons still take 45 seconds).
  • Scout Cavalry get +2 attack in the Feudal Age.
  • Cavalry Archers now have equal range to Heavy Cavalry Archers.
  • Training time for Teutonic Knights, Longboats, Tarkans, and Samurai is significantly reduced.
  • Bombard Cannons cause +80 additional damage to buildings.
  • Celtic Woad Raiders now move faster (they run faster than Eagle Warriors who lack Squires).
  • Viking Berserks now move as fast as pikemen.
  • Camels are now as quick to train as spearmen.
  • All archery range units (except Hand Cannoneers) now do +1 additional damage to Spearman-line units.
  • Fire rate for Conquistadors and Elite Conquistadors is also improved. Spanish Hand Cannoneer and Bombard Cannons fire 15% faster.
  • War Wagon and Elite War Wagon range is reduced.
  • Turtle Ship artwork is changed to be more realistic.
  • Turtle Ships have Heated Shot and additional armor vs.
  • Shinkichon increases Onager range by +1 instead of +2.
  • Japanese infantry get 25% attack speed bonus starting in the Feudal Age.
  • Goth infantry cost 25% less starting in the Feudal Age.
  • Chinese start with 50 less food (for a total of -200 food).
  • #Estrategias para age of empires 2 the conquerors Patch

    Note that this patch also includes the content and fixes from Patch v1.0b. The patch is available in the following languages: It is the latest patch available for the game. This is the Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion Patch v1.0c.

    Estrategias para age of empires 2 the conquerors